Today i had the issue that after dumping and importing a Magento Database from one instance of MySQL into another one the order dates got transported 2 hours into the future. How come?!? Investigation and testing showed that the source database was running with timezone „GMT“ aka „UTC“ aka +00. The target database was running …
Schlagwort-Archive: Magento1
Restore customers from backup in Magento
I recently had two different clients who deleted customers from their instance of Magento1 and Magento2. Although it says: Once Is Chance, Twice is Coincidence, Third Time Is A Pattern unknown i think this is a pattern which needs to be fixed in UI. But first we have to recover the missing customers. Hopefully you …
Google ReCaptcha in Magento 1 und 2
Bots sind seit längerem in der Lage, das in Magento 1 integrierte Captcha zu lösen. Dies führt dann zu haufenweise Kundenregistrierungen mit werblichen Referenzen wie im Screenshot dargestellt: Gegen die Spam-Flut hilft die Umstellung auf Googles ReCaptcha. Für die Integration in Magento 1 habe ich gute Erfahrung mit der Extension ProxiBlue/reCaptcha gemacht. Variante „v2“ und …